
Alzheimer's: Goldie's Love
Family Sylvia Shoen Family Sylvia Shoen

Alzheimer's: Goldie's Love

I'd like to introduce you to the first person who loved me, Dr. Goldie Royal. My mother Goldie was born in a small town called Mt. Enterprise, TX in 1933. She is the daughter of James and Elnora Royal. 

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It Takes a Village
Business Sylvia Shoen Business Sylvia Shoen

It Takes a Village

It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means that an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment [Wikipedia]. Similarly, you need a village to develop yourself professionally as well. 

“She has no fear, she’s a tomboy”, my mother would say. She loved to share the story of watching me speeding down 12th Street hill on my bike with no fear…

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