Business Woman, Cancer Survivor, Gardener, & Mother

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Hello Wonderful People!! I’m so happy you’re here!

“Although I loved corporate America, more importantly, I had an overwhelming desire to find a creative way to merge my passions – family, inspiring others, motherhood, fashion, and community. My hope is to share these passions in a way that would make a real difference to women through the medium of this blog + social media.”

- Sylvia Shoen

Featured Blogs


It Takes a Village

It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means that an entire community of people must…

The Black Jelly Bean Lesson

One of the most profound lessons in my life came from my sixth-grade teacher, Mr. Hagerman. In fact, it centers…

Starting a Garden

When is the best time to start a garden? Depending on where you live, starting a garden may have several seasons to begin…


“You have to have a dream, to make a dream come true!”

– Unknown