
It Takes a Village
Business Sylvia Shoen Business Sylvia Shoen

It Takes a Village

It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means that an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment [Wikipedia]. Similarly, you need a village to develop yourself professionally as well. 

“She has no fear, she’s a tomboy”, my mother would say. She loved to share the story of watching me speeding down 12th Street hill on my bike with no fear…

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The Black Jelly Bean Lesson
Life Lessons Sylvia Shoen Life Lessons Sylvia Shoen

The Black Jelly Bean Lesson

One of the most profound lessons in my life came from my sixth-grade teacher, Mr. Hagerman. In fact, it centers around one of my favorite candies, jelly beans. The Black Jelly Bean Lesson has shown up in my life when I have needed extra encouragement and self-motivation.

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